After making muffins for my co-worker on Saturday, I came home post-work and started peeling and slicing apples for an apple cranberry crumble for Mama Nashorn's birthday dessert. Mama Nashorn loves pies and the ilk (as does Little Rhino), so it seemed fitting to bake her a crumble rather than a cake for her birthday. Also in matching with the birthday theme, the recipe came from a cookbook entitled Rustic Fruit Desserts that parents Rhino gave me for my birthday last year. I made a few recipes from it in the Spring and Summer, but of late I had forgotten about this humble baking book. I'm glad that we were able to reunite.
I healthed the recipe up a bit by using Splenda, Splenda brown sugar, and light butte
r, but you couldn't tell from tasting it. It turned better than any of my previous Rustic Fruit Dessert adventures. My parents raved, and we all rejoiced the large amount of crumble leftovers (the recipes makes a ton. It calls for eight large apples, but six more than sufficed). Happy birthday, Mama Rhino indeed. I love you!!