As July speeds on, Rhino's kitchen adventures continue at a rapid clip that cannot always be equally matched by her blogging.
On that note, this week brought about many culinary/foodie explorations starting on Saturday night with an impromptu IKEA trip with the fabulous Cate and Michelle. I'm quite the creature of habit and routine. I like knowing what I'll be doing, where I'll be going, and what will happen on any given day. Further, I just blew a wad on random kitchentry items at Hill's Kitchen a few weeks ago. So, when Cate and Michelle's IKEA trip turned into a "let's do it now" field trip, I felt some trepidation in addition to my end-of-the week lethargy. However, when I weighed my Saturday night options, I realized that I truly would be "the cat lady" if I did not IKEA. Ouch.. And off to IKEA we went.
After a metro ride to College Park and a quick trip with Roxy (Cate's kick ass car), we reached our destination and I quickly lost my IKEA virginity. I really didn't need anything, but I ended up buying a cutting board, a sieve, and some kick-ass fish ice cubes. Probably better that I visit stores with cooking gear less rather than more. In related news, I tried to hammer in screws for my pretty new spice rack. Thankfully, bf came to the rescue with an electric screw driver and the iphone's straight edge app to correct my botched job.

The rest of the week raced by at a break neck speed. My boyfriend is moving to North Carolina this Tuesday, so I made white chili (per his request) and veggie chili for Tuesday. Bf also made a beautiful (see above) and really delectable fruit pizza. As usual, the voracious Tuesday night guests devoured both chilis andabout one and a half fruit pizzas (yeah, those colorful suckers tasted goood).
I also spent a lot of time with bf this week, we got Chinese together, watched the rest of Felicity
, ate at Zaytinya (delicious),
and generally hung out. I've known for a long time what lay ahead, but now with reality in the headlights, I'm realizing the gap I'll have in my life without him. I'm hoping that things fall back into place, but I understand that there is a strong probability that they won't.
Anyway, this week I'm making quiches for Tuesday night
(vegetarian and macho meaty). So, expect some eggy posts ahead. Yolk, yolk, yolk.
Bonus: Here are the coconut pecan fudge bars that I made Andrea as a thank you for driving me home post Harry Potter.
I sampled some crumbs and approved and I hope that Andrea approved as well.
and generally hung out. I've known for a long time what lay ahead, but now with reality in the headlights, I'm realizing the gap I'll have in my life without him. I'm hoping that things fall back into place, but I understand that there is a strong probability that they won't.
Anyway, this week I'm making quiches for Tuesday night
Bonus: Here are the coconut pecan fudge bars that I made Andrea as a thank you for driving me home post Harry Potter.
I sampled some crumbs and approved and I hope that Andrea approved as well.
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