Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bad News: No More Snow Days, Good News: I Made Chocolate Cupcakes

For the third time in my life and the third time this winter, I shoveled out my car today. The whole process took about three hours with minimal breaks and some last minute help from the car crew next to me. I came inside completely spent and hopefully I'll sleep well tonight after all that hard work because tomorrow it's back to work. Sigh.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind watching more Greek and mindless tv on hulu, but admittedly I'm a pretty happy sloth. However, I guess tomorrow I'll have to push myself out of bed and hit up the DASH bus to get to work for the first time since LAST Thursday. CRAZY.

Tomorrow will also be my co-worker Katey's last day and so, as I promised (before all these snow-tastrophes hit), I made her Hersey's perfectly chocolate cupcakes tonight using Green and Black Organic chocolate cocoa powder (WF fancy schmancy) and cocoa mix (because I didn't have enough cocoa powder for the recipe. I also added in Ghiradelli chocolate chips and some butterscotch chips for good measure.

I sampled the goods for quality control and I gotta admit, these are some pretty tasty cupcakes. So, hopefully I can transport them without incident into work tomorrow and hopefully, they can soften the blow of the first day back at work post Snow-valanche.

Update: My co-workers demolished the cupcakes, which I iced once I got to work, and complimented their tastiness. Most importantly, Katey appreciated them. Though she is going to a better place...Maybe (it's the FBI)....She will be missed at NARA.

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